Astronomy Specialist


SKU: MOR-C1X-61000

Moravian Instruments



The Moravian C1x 61000 Mono is a high performance cooled monochrome astronomy camera using the Sony IMX455 CMOS sensor with a resolution of 9576 × 6388 pixels at 3.76μm. This latest generation of Sony back-illuminated sensors are natively 16-bit with exceptional sensitivity, full-well capacity, extremely low read noise and perfectly linear response to light.


The C1x family of cameras combine the large APS-C and Full-Frame sized sensors used in the C3 series, with the compact body of C1+ cameras. The front cross-section of the C1x camera head is the same like the C1+, only its body is a bit longer to accommodate more complex electronics as well as more powerful cooling. Similarly to the C1+ line, also the C1x cameras lack mechanical shutter.

Usage of large sensors up to 24 × 36mm required redesign of the telescope/lens adapters of the C1x line, as the M42/M48 × 0.75 threads, used with C1+ camera adapters, are too small for such large sensors. Because of this, the C1x adapters are equipped with M56 × 1 threads. The front plate of the M56 × 1 adapter also contains four threaded M3 holes, which makes it compatible with the same external filter wheels and other accessories of the C3 series.



Four sizes of the External filter wheels capable of holding various sizes of filters are available for C1x cameras:

Extra small “XS” size wheel for:

  • 7 unmounted D36 mm filters

Small “S” size wheel for:

  • 5 square 50 × 50 mm filters
  • 7 unmounted filters D50 mm or filters in 2” threaded cells
  • 10 unmounted filters D36 mm filters

Medium “M” size wheel for:

  • 5 square 50 × 50 mm filters
  • 7 unmounted filters D50 mm or filters in 2” threaded cells
  • 10 unmounted filters D36 mm filters

Large “L” size wheel for:

  • 7 square 50 × 50 mm filters
  • 9 unmounted filters D50 mm or filters in 2” threaded cells

Note:  36mm filters are only suitable for C1x cameras which have APS-C sensors (such as the IMX571). 

Both IMX571 (used in C1x 26000) and IMX455 (used in C1x 61000) sensors are supplied in two variants:

  • Consumer grade sensors found in the C1x 26000 & C1x 61000. The sensor manufacturer (Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation) limits their usage to consumer still cameras only with operation time max. 300 hours per year.
  • Industrial grade sensors found in the C1x 26000 PRO and C1x 61000 PRO, intended for devices operating 24/7.

All sensor characteristics (resolution, dynamic range, …) are equal; sensors differ only in target applications and usage time. Cameras used for casual imaging (when weather permits) only rarely exceed 300 hours of observing time per year. Cameras permanently installed on observatories, utilizing every clear night and possibly located on mountain sites with lots of clear nights exceed the 300 hours/year within a couple of months.

C1× camera models with consumer-grade sensors include:

Model C1×26000 C1×61000 C1×26000C C1×61000C
CMOS sensor IMX571 IMX455 IMX571 IMX455
Sensor grade Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer
Color mask None None Bayer RGBG Bayer RGBG
Resolution 6252 × 4176 9576 × 6388 6252 × 4176 9576 × 6388
Pixel size 3.76 × 3.76 μm 3.76 × 3.76 μm 3.76 × 3.76 μm 3.76 × 3.76 μm
Sensor size 23.51 × 15.70 mm 36.01 × 24.02 mm 23.51 × 15.70 mm 36.01 × 24.02 mm


C1× camera models with industrial-grade sensors include:

Model C1×26000 PRO C1×61000 PRO C1×26000C PRO C1×61000C PRO
CMOS sensor IMX571 IMX455 IMX571 IMX455
Sensor grade Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial
Color mask None None Bayer RGBG Bayer RGBG
Resolution 6252 × 4176 9576 × 6388 6252 × 4176 9576 × 6388
Pixel size 3.76 × 3.76 μm 3.76 × 3.76 μm 3.76 × 3.76 μm 3.76 × 3.76 μm
Sensor size 23.51 × 15.70 mm 36.01 × 24.02 mm 23.51 × 15.70 mm 36.01 × 24.02 mm



Sensor linearity of IMX455 sensor as found in the C3 61000 camera (using the same sensor as the C1x version).


The CMOS sensors found in these cameras have a response to light that is linear very close to the saturation point. This means the C1x series cameras can be used for advanced research and scientific applications like variable star photometry and transiting exoplanets.

The regulated thermoelectric cooler is capable of cooling the CMOS sensor to approximately 35°C below ambient temperature. The sensor temperature is regulated with ±0.1 °C precision. High temperature reduction and precision regulation ensure very low dark current for long exposures and allow proper image calibration.

Sensors used in C1x cameras offer programmable gain from 0 to 36 dB, which translates to the output signal multiplication from 1× to 63×. Gain can be set with 0.1 dB step.

The USB 3.0 port operates at 5 Gbps allowing for fast transfer rates. C1x cameras with the "T" suffix include a hardware trigger input port for use with the optional GPS receiver module.

For more information on Moravian C1x cameras, please refer to the Moravian website.




CMOS Sony IMX455 monochrome


61.17 megapixels 9576 × 6388

Pixel size

3.76 µm

Sensor size

36.01 × 24.02 mm (43.2 mm diagonal)

Quantum efficiency


Exposure range

From 156 μs

Read noise

1.39 e- @ 36 dB

Full well capacity

52,800 e- @ 0 dB

Bit rate



~151 MPx/s digitization speed

Shutter type

Rolling shutter



Memory buffer

On-board RAM




Windows, Mac, Linux

Protecting window



USB 3.0, Trig-in (for "T" version), EFW

Back focus

16.5 mm from M56 x 1 adapter base


M56 x 1 female. Additional adapters available separately


78 x 78 x 108 mm


850 g

Power supply

12V DC 5A 5.5 x 2.5 mm




Mechanical diagram showing C1x camera with tiltable M56 x 1 adapter on the left and M42/M48 adapter on the right, as well as with EFW filter wheel. Detailed diagrams can be found on the Moravian website.



Components of C1x Camera system include:

  1. C1x camera head with M56 × 1 tiltable adapter base
  2. Optional GPS receiver module
  3. C0 auto-guiding camera
  4. C1 auto-guiding camera
  5. Moravian Camera Ethernet Adapter (x86 CPU)
  6. Moravian Camera Ethernet Adapter (ARM CPU)
  7. Off-Axis Guider for “S” base with M48 × 0.75 thread, 55 mm BFD
  8. Off-Axis Guider fir “L” base with M68 × 1 thread, 61.5 mm BFD
  9. M42 × 0.75 (T-thread) threaded short adapter, 21.5 mm BFD
  10. M42 × 0.75 (T-thread) threaded long adapter, 55 mm BFD
  11. M48 × 0.75 threaded short adapter, 21.5 mm BFD
  12. M48 × 0.75 threaded long adapter, 55 mm BFD
  13. M42 × 0.75 (T-thread) or M48 × 0.75 threaded “S” size adapter, 55 mm BFD
  14. M68 × 1 threaded “L” size adapter, 47.5 mm BFD
  15. Canon EOS bayonet lens adapter for M56 thread
  16. Canon EOS bayonet lens “S” size adapter
  17. Canon EOS bayonet lens “L” size adapter
  18. Nikon bayonet lens adapter for M56 thread
  19. Nikon bayonet lens “S” size adapter
  20. External Filter Wheel “XS” size (7 positions)
  21. 7-positions filter wheel for the “XS” housing for unmounted D36 mm filters
  22. External Filter Wheel “S” size (5, 7 or 10 positions)
  23. 10-positions filter wheel for the “S” housing for unmounted D36 mm filters
  24. 7-positions filter wheel for the “S” housing for 2”/D50 mm filters
  25. 5-positions filter wheel for the “S” housing for 50 × 50 mm square filters
  26. External Filter Wheel “M” size (5, 7 or 10 positions)
  27. 10-positions filter wheel for the “M” housing for unmounted D36 mm filters
  28. 7-positions filter wheel for the “M” housing for 2”/D50 mm filters
  29. 5-positions filter wheel for the “M” housing for 50 × 50 mm square filters
  30. External Filter Wheel “L” size (7 or 9 positions)
  31. 9-positions filter wheel for the “L” housing for 2”/D50 mm filters
  32. 7-positions filter wheel for the “L” housing for 50 × 50 mm square filters



Eagle Nebula by Wolfgang Promper using Moravian C3-61000 (same sensor generation as used in the C1X) and 600mm RC at f/4.5.



IC5148 by Wolfgang Promper using Moravian C3-61000 (same sensor generation as used in the C1X) and 600mm RC at f/4.5.



Horsehead Nebula by Wolfgang Promper using Moravian C3-61000 (same sensor generation as used in the C1X) and 600mm RC at f/4.5.



From $10,149.00AUD


  • NO GPS

Optical design

Image circle

Focal ratio


Focal length

Optical thickness


M56 x 1 Female


Active cooling

Colour or Mono


Pixel size

3.76 µm

Sensor dimensions

36.01 × 24.02 mm


9576 × 6388

Sensor diagonal

43.2 mm

Quantum efficiency


Read noise

1.39 e- @ 36 dB

Fullwell capacity

52,800 e-

Bit depth



~151 MPx/s digitization speed

Camera backfocus

16.5 mm with M56 x 1 adapter base

Filter size

Filter size

Bandpass (FWHM)

Bandpass (FWHM)

Glass thickness

Mount type

Payload capacity

Latitude range

Dovetail saddle

Slew speed


Periodic error correction

Counterweight shaft

Azimuth adjustment range

Internal diameter

Illuminated diameter

Compatible telescope external diameter





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