Astronomy Specialist


(22 products)


We stock a range of filters useful for bringing out fine cloud details and maximizing contrast when imaging the planets. 


IR-pass 685 & 850 filters are designed to boost the contrast in planetary imaging as the infrared radiation is less affected by the atmospheric turbulence (seeing). All planets will appear sharper with the highest possible contrast. 

U-Venus filters is a special UV pass filter designed to capture the clouds of Venus but also details on Jupiter. This filter uses the latest dielectric interference coating technology to achieve high transmission in the UV band at 400 Nm and exceptional cut-off of other wavelengths (OD3).

CH4 Methane filters have a bandpass of 889nm and are designed to capture the finer details and more contrast on planets like Jupiter, Saturn, and more. Due to the eye's sensitivity cutting off around 700nm, methane filters are strictly for photographic use.

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