Astronomy Specialist


(65 products)


10 Micron


10 Micron, a division of COMEC-Technology, produces professional observatory-class astronomical mounts of the highest quality with extraordinary and innovative features. All their mounts feature absolute encoders on both axes, and combined with their sophisticated modelling software, results in exceptional pointing and tracking accuracy which negates the need for guiding. They can also track satellites with extreme precision. 10 Micron's HPS series of mounts are available in both equatorial and alt-azimuth configurations. 


We stock a large range of accessories for the 10 Micron mounts including heavy duty Aries & Centaurus tripods, counterweights, pier & tripod adapters, Baader steel leveling flanges, padded protective bags and cases, GPS receivers, Vixen & Losmandy dovetail saddles and bars, and more.

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