Astronomy Specialist


SKU: BA2459135

Baader Planetarium

The Baader UFC RASA 36 adapter attaches to the UFC Base #BA2459110 for secure and flush fitment and allows you to use the UFC Filter Changer with the Celestron RASA 36".

The RASA 11" and 36cm adapters are made to fit over the RASA's front lens group assembly and are held in place by the large knurled ring that is supplied as standard with the RASA. Machined into the adapters are three elongated holes that are for access to the RASA collimation screws (with the adapter in place).

Click here for instructions.

The Baader UFC Universal Filter Changer is an incredibly versatile modular filter holder system with adapters for a wide range of telescopes and imaging trains, including the Celestron RASA series and even camera lenses.

Every component of the UFC system is precisely machined and designed so that no flexure is introduced into the imaging train. The adjustable magnet allows you to exactly tune the retaining force and positioning of the filter for repeatable flat frames.

Below is a diagram showing the many different camera- and telescope-side adapters, extension rings and filter holders that are available in the UFC system, with over 30 different items to choose from. While it may look complicated, it is simply a matter of matching the telescope adapter and camera adapter to the main body and selecting a suitable filter holder.


 The low profile and shape of the UFC makes it suitable for use with the Celestron RASA / Hyperstar system, where traditional filter wheels would block too much of the light path. It will also fit between a diagonal and SCT without causing focusing issues.

The camera-side of the UFC Base filter chamber remains open towards the camera - until the matching camera-adapter gets mounted directly onto the UFC Base. The purpose of this is to have the filters mounted with minimum distance to the image sensor, avoiding additional vignetting.

The telescope-side of the UFC-base carries a receptor with 6 clamp screws in 60° spacings, to mount all the Baader S70 dovetail adapters and spacers. A number of rigid UFC-S70 extension tubes are available in 5, 15 & 40mm lengths, as well as an ultra-stable S70 VARI-LOCK spacer, engraved with millimeter scale and being seamlessly adjustable from 15 to 20mm.



Even camera lenses can be used with the UFC system. In this case, the UFC Base will be fastened in front of the lens by adding both the S70/SP54 adapter #BA2459134 and the retaining flange #BA2459121, as well as one of the many step-rings of the Hyperion-ring-system (#BA2958028 - BA2958082). Note that filters ought to be mounted in reverse order when using the UFC-filter changer in front of camera lenses. Feel free to contact us for more information!



Optical thickness
3 mm
Clear aperture
65 mm
Material Stainless steel
Weight 370 g





Optical design

Image circle

Focal ratio


Focal length

Optical thickness



Colour or Mono

Pixel size

Sensor dimensions


Sensor diagonal

Quantum efficiency

Read noise

Fullwell capacity

Bit depth


Camera backfocus

Filter size

Filter size

Bandpass (FWHM)

Bandpass (FWHM)

Glass thickness

Mount type

Payload capacity

Latitude range

Dovetail saddle

Slew speed


Periodic error correction

Counterweight shaft

Azimuth adjustment range

Internal diameter

Illuminated diameter

Compatible telescope external diameter





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