Astronomy Specialist


(10 products)

The Baader Diamond Steeltrack 2" Focusers are high capacity, high precision micro-geared focusers for use with Newtonians, refractors and SCT telescopes. Unlike standard Crayford or rack & pinion drives, the true diamond micro-geared mechanism has zero backlash and zero flexure

The Diamond Steeltrack 2" focuser can lift a payload of 6kg in a fully vertical position without slipping or excessive bearing preload (bearing preload can be increased further if necessary). The bearing system utilized unbreakable Instrument-grade roller bearings instead of simpler ball bearings, allowing it to handle high loads with greater rigidity and accuracy. Each bearing is individually adjustable for precise alignment of the mechanical vs optical axis. The ultra-hard subzero coated bearing races are precision milled and much harder than anodized or stainless steel. 

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